Launched: June 2019
After writing a weekly, one-paragraph “essay” probing the intersection of his personal and professional life for Foresight’s Forecast e-newsletter for over nine years, Peter created Circa250 as a new, independent, nonprofit media platform for this and other contributors and series adhering to the motto: Insight. Brevity.
Foresight Pivot
Launched: January 2019
Foresight Pivot was launched in January 2019 to serve as an umbrella for new ventures that strive to generate some combination of social, environmental, aesthetic and economic value. Recognizing enterprise, of all sorts as essential to leveraging a new order, Peter chose “Pivot” as this entity’s moniker.
Foresight Bright, LLC
Launched June 2012
Design Initiative
Launched June 2002
Recognizing the need for a parallel, yet separate for-profit entity from Foresight Design, Peter incorporated Foresight Bright, LLC, in June 2012. Bright serves as an umbrella for private sector consulting clients and other pursuits such as Foresight Pivot.
Foresight began in 2002 as the Chicago chapter of the international “O2 Network.” A vibrant, yet largely informal alliance of designers interested in sustainability issues, O2 was particularly active in Europe. Peter first encountered it while living in the Netherlands in the late 1990s and subsequently connected with fellow American members upon moving to Chicago in early 2000. Wanting to expand beyond this network’s focus, the Foresight Design Initiative was incorporated as nonprofit organization in March 2003.